Acasă Expeditii Caucaz Caucasus – Platzkart by Train

Caucasus – Platzkart by Train

Caucasus – Platzkart by Train

Getting the cheapest tickets meant traveling by train at 3rd class. This is common known as Platzkart, and is a 56 places-sleeping-wagon, without doors. Many complain about it, but  it is actually lots of  fun, you get to know a lot of people, you have more space, and with year noise protection, you can sleep very well.

We had beds in separate “compartments” as the train was full. Luckily, we hadn’t had to change trains in the middle of the night. For 23 Hours, this was our home.

We ate very fast that evening, and slept. The next day, we went for a few minutes to take same photos of a station in the Donetsk area. Very clean area, old but good trains around. Ours seemed to stretch to the horizon. And it was full!

Another station on the way, this time around midnight. Our train arrived to Mineralnie Wodi at 3:30 in the morning, and from there the driver took us to Azau. The minibus was 80 dollars, and it was pre-commended from Pilgrim Tours. This is the best company to help you to go to the Caucasus. We ordered only the light package (papers and transfer from train to the mountain base), without guide, but they also have full packages if you prefer. Gleb sent us on e-mail all the necessary information to getting there. Many thanks, great company!